Keto Pancakes

Keto Pancakes

Keto pancakes are a low carb alternative for a delicious breakfast. We can prepare keto pancakes using almond flour or coconut flour. Almond flour pancakes are very easy to prepare and it consumes less time. Moreover we can eat these pancakes without syrup because adding a slice of butter on top gives a better taste. This is my husband’s recipe and my daughter’s favorite breakfast. 

Ingredients for Keto Pancakes

Almond flour – 1 Cup
Egg – 2
Coconut / Olive oil – 1 tbsp
Baking powder – 1/2 tsp
Salt – 1/4 tsp
Vanilla essence – 1/4 tsp
Water – 1/4 to 1/2 Cup


Prepare batter

Take a mixing bowl and crack two eggs into it.
Pour Olive oil in the bowl.
Also pour water into the bowl.
Beat the egg mix thoroughly. 
Now add almond flour, salt and baking powder.
Beat the mix with a spoon. 
Now add vanilla essence to the mix and give a good mix.
Check the consistency and adjust it by adding more water if needed.

Prepare Pancake

Heat dosa pan in medium flame.
Pour one scoop of batter into the pan.
Don’t spread the batter for fluffy pancakes.
Pour little oil on the side.
Once you see bubbles form, the bottom is almost cooked.
Flip the pancake and add a slice of butter.
Butter melts and you can spread it all over the pancake.
Once it is done, take the pancake out.
Serve the pancake with another slice of butter on top.


Coconut oil gives better taste and aroma than olive oil.
I use baking powder instead of baking soda.
Almond flour is available in all major retailers.


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