Instant Mango Pickle

Instant Mango Pickle

மாங்காய் ஊறுகாய் (Instant Mango Pickle)

Instant Mango Pickle is an easy to prepare at home in very less time. This is one of my favorite recipe as well. Two of my periyammas prepare this specially for me. This is a seasonal recipe. whenever I get good quality mangoes, I use to prepare this instant mango pickle. Cooking time is very less, cutting in to small pieces is a time taking process. My hubby cut perfectly than me so he always takes the responsibility and I don’t need to worry.

தெளிவான படவிளக்கங்களுடன் தமிழில் செய்முறை இங்கே.

Ingredients for Instant Mango Pickle

Mango – 2 (3 cups chopped)
Sesame oil – 1/2 cup
Mustard seeds – 1 tsp
Fenugreek seeds – 1/4 tsp
Red chilli powder – 3 tbs
Hing – 1/2 tsp
Curry leaves – 1 spring 
Salt as needed 


Chop mango into small pieces then add chilli powder, salt and mix well.
Heat oil in a pan and add mustard seeds, fenugreek seeds.
After the seeds cracked add curry leaves and hing.
Finally add chopped mango and stir well. 
Cook the mix for 5-10 minutes in medium flame. 
Stir occasionally to avoid sticking at bottom. 
Switch off the flame and transfer the pickle into a glass bottle. 
Cover the bottle with cotton cloth.
After the pickle completely cools down, lock the bottle with lid.
Keep the pickle in refrigerator for long time use.
Serve instant mango pickle with curd rice.


Shelf life is very limited for this pickle and don’t forget to keep it in fridge.
I used homemade chili powder, so based on your spice needs, adjust the chili powder amount.
Always use glass or ceramic jar for any pickle and don’t use silver containers.


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