மில்க் கேக் – Milk Cake
Milk cake recipe is as same as palkova. This is available in Amazon as well. Indian milk cake is easy to prepare and the ingredients are very few. This sweet is perfect for any celebration and best to serve as a dessert in the party. My whole family is a fan of this recipe. Just follow the measurements and steps carefully, you’ll definitely get the best results.
Ingredients for Milk Cake
Milk – 1.5 litres
Sugar – 200 grms
Vinegar – 1 tbs
Ghee – 5 tbs
For Garnish
Chopped mixed nuts (optional)
Apply ghee in a pan which you’re going to transfer the sweet after cooking.
Boil Milk
Boil milk in a heavy bottom pan.
Cook for 10 minutes in high heat.
When milk start rising, stir with spatula.
Take out the milk fat from the sides and put it inside.
After 10 minutes, add the vinegar.
Now the milk starts to curdle.
From this stage keep stirring the milk without leaving your hand.
The process takes about 30 minutes to finish.
When you see only milk solids without water, it’s time to add sugar.
Keep stirring the sweet by adding ghee little by little until the sweet thickens.
When the sweet color changes, stop the flame and transfer to the ghee greased pan.
Slicing and Garnish
Let the sweet to cool down completely.
Slightly show the pan in flame to melt in the edges.
Transfer the sweet in a plate and slice into small pieces.
Arrange the slices in a plate and garnish with mixed nuts.
Milk sweet ready.
Use whole milk for this recipe.
Don’t use more vinegar otherwise the milk curdles become big chunks, that doesn’t give perfect shape.


Boil Milk

Slicing and Garnish

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