Madurai Famous Jigarthanda

ஜிகர்தண்டா (Madurai Famous Jigarthanda)

Madurai famous Jigarthanda is my family’s all time favorite dessert. Whenever we go to  Madurai, we never miss the chance to drink this Jigarthanda. We always go to the ‘Famous Jigarthanda’ shop near vilakku thoon because they are the best in town. It tastes heavenly. They have normal and special Jigarthanda. I tried this recipe at home and got the exact taste. I am happy to share the recipe here.

Ingredients for Madurai Famous Jigarthanda

Milk – 5 – 6 cups 
Nannari syrup – 2 tbs + 2 tbs
Palkova ice cream – 4 scoops 
Almond gum – 2 tbs
Sugar – 3 tbs

For Caramel Syrup

Sugar – 1/4 cup



Soak the almond gum with water for at least 8 hrs.

Caramel Syrup:

Take a wide pan and add sugar. 
Pour little bit of water then keep the flame low until sugar completely dissolve.
Keep stirring the syrup, when it turns to dark brown color add water then stop the flame.

Prepare Milk:

Take a big pan and start boiling the milk.
Add 3 tbs sugar and mix well.
Pour the nannari syrup and caramel syrup. 
Stir well and keep cooking the milk in medium flame. 
Milk layers (பால் ஆடை) starts to form. 
Take the milk layers and store separately. 
When milk reduced to almost half stop the flame.
Transfer the milk to a bowl and let it cool.
Keep the milk in refrigerator for 1 hr or until completely cool.
Keep the milk layers also in refrigerator. 

Arranging or Assembling 

Method 1:

Take 4 tall serving glass and add the 1 tbs of soaked almond gum in each glass.
Pour 1 tsp of nannari syrup in each glass. 
Add 1/2 tbs of milk layers to each glass. 
Pour 3/4 cup of milk into each glass.
Add 1 scoop of palkova ice cream into each glass.
Drizzle little bit of nannari syrup over the ice cream. 
Add a spoon to the drink and serve.
Jill Jill Jigarthanda ready.

Method 2 (Restaurant Style):

Normal Jigarthanda:

Take a mixing bowl and add chilled milk and almond gum.
Take a serving glass and  pour the Jigarthanda. 
Add 1 tbs of ice cream on top of the Jigarthanda. 
Jill Jill Jigarthanda ready.

Special Jigarthanda:

Take a mixing bowl then add chilled milk. 
Add soaked almond gum and mix well.
Take a tall serving glass then pour the Jigarthanda. 
Add ice cream then pour the milk layers. 
Drizzle some nannari syrup.
Jill Jill Jigarthanda ready.


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