Cheese Omelette

சீஸ் ஆம்லெட் (Cheese Omelette)

Cheese omelette is an easy breakfast and kids favorite. I used to prepare this omelette with some veggies like jalapeño, green bell pepper and mushroom. My son and hubby wish to add more veggies in the omelette but my daughter wish to add more cheese for the omelet.

Ingredients for Cheese Omelette

Egg  – 1
Shredded Cheese – 1/4 cup 
Pepper powder – 1/4 tsp
Cumin powder – 1/4 tsp
Oil – 1/2 tsp +1/2 tsp
Salt as needed


Mushroom – 1 big size (chopped)
Green bell pepper – 2 tbs (chopped)
Jalapeño – 1 tbs (chopped)


Plain Cheese Omelet

Crack the egg in a bowl. 
Beat the egg with salt after adding 1 tbs water.
Heat a dosa pan and pour the beaten egg. 
Add the cheese and spread all over the omelette. 
Drizzle pepper and cumin powder when cheese started to melt.
Pour oil around the omelette. 
After the cheese completely melted, fold that into half.
Take out the cheese omelet. 
Serve the omelette with fork and knife.

Vegetable Omelet

Heat a dosa pan then add chopped veggies and 1/2 tsp oil.
Sauté the veggies until half cooked. 
Beat an egg with salt and water. 
Pour the beaten egg over the sautéd veggies. 
Add the shredded cheese and spread over the omelette. 
Drizzle the pepper and cumin powder when cheese started to melt.
Pour oil around the omelette. 
After the cheese completely melted, fold that into half.
Take out the vegetable cheese omelet. 
Serve the veggies cheese omelette with fork and knife.


Vegetable cheese omelette’s ingredients are suitable for adults and reduce the veggies to half portion for kids version. 
Adding water to the egg gives more fluffy texture. 
You may add more cheese if you want. 


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