Bitter Gourd Poriyal

பாகற்காய் பொறியல் (Paavakkai / Bitter Gourd Poriyal)

Bitter Gourd Poriyal is a healthy side dish that goes well with paruppu, rasam. Pavakkai has so much health benefits and easy to prepare at home. I added onions and little masala that reduces the bitterness, so that even kids will eat this without much drama.

Ingredients for Bitter Gourd Poriyal

Bitter gourd / pavakkai – 4 medium size
Small onion – 3
Masala – 1/2 tbsp
Curry leaves – 1 spring
Mustard seeds, Urad dal – 1/4 tsp
Salt as needed


Wash the bitter gourd and slice that into small rounds.
Take a nonstick pan and add sliced bitter gourd with little bit of oil and let it fry.
Stir occasionally.
Take another small pan and pour little oil and add mustard seeds & urad dal after mustard cracks, add curry leaves.
Then mix chopped small onion, fry it until golden brown.
After bitter gourd cooked, mix the tempered spices, salt and masaala and mix thoroughly.
Keep the flame low and let it fry for 2-3 minutes.
Pavakkai poriyal ready.
Serve pavakkai portal with rice, paruppu and rasam.


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Let me know the outcome of the recipe!