Aloe Vera Juice

கற்றாழை ஜூஸ் (Aloe Vera Juice)

Aloe Vera juice is a healthy drink. Aloe Vera reduce the body heat and heart burn. It also helps to reduce sugar level in diabetic patients. It’s best to have in the morning time with empty stomach. Find more health benefits here.

தெளிவான படவிளக்கங்களுடன் தமிழில் செய்முறை இங்கே.

Ingredients for Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera – 1/2 cup gel
Curd/yogurt – 1/2 cup 
Water – 1/2 cup
Salt as needed 


Collect Gel:

Use knife and cut the aloe vera into small pieces. 
Now, using scissor, split the aloe vera piece. 
Use spoon and scrape the gel out.
Collect the gel from all the pieces. 

Cleaning Gel:

Aloe vera gel is very sticky now.
Transfer the gel into a big strainer.
Show the gel in a running water and wash it until the stickiness go away.

Prepare Juice:

Cut the gel into smaller pieces
Take a blender and add the gel in it.
Blend well then add curd, water and salt.
Blend again until well mixed. 
Aloe vera juice ready.


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