Strawberry Jam

ஸ்ட்ராபெரி ஜாம் (Strawberry Jam)

Strawberry jam is a jam which is prepared by boiling and squeezing the strawberry with sugar. Main purpose of jam is preserving fruits in ancient days. Jam always made with sugar, generally whole fruits or chunks maybe added to the preparation. Fruit spread is also same as jam but they doesn’t have sugar in it. Strawberry jam can be consumed in many ways like spread in a bread, stuffing in cakes.
My family always love to pick fresh strawberries directly from farm and prepare homemade jam. I always wish to prepare ‘no preservatives jam’ at home for every season.

Ingredients for Strawberry Jam

Fresh strawberries – 4 lb (1.8 kg)
Granulated sugar – 4 cups
Lemon juice – 2 tbsp

Pre – Preparation

Place a glass plate in freezer for one hour.


Prepare Strawberry

Wash the strawberry and remove the top green part / stem.
Chop the strawberry into small pieces.
Take the chopped strawberry in a mixing bowl.
Pour the lemon juice and add the sugar.
Mix the ingredients until they are well mixed.
Let the mixer to rest for one hour.

Prepare Jam

After that the sugar melted and well combined to the strawberry, take the mixer into a big non stick pot and boil the mix in high flame.
When you see white bubble change the flame to medium.
After this level keep stirring the mixer without sticking bottom.
When you see the mixer sticking in the bottom of the pot, it’s almost ready.
After 20 minutes of stirring, you can see the jam is thickening.
Take out the stirring spoon and slide, you can see the one string consistency.
And you can see big bubbles pops up.
Now take out the plate from the freezer and spread a spoon full of jam in the plate then run your finger into the jam.
Then tilt the plate, if the jam stay there and didn’t ruin the line it’s finished.
The jam is ready to spread in the bread.
ஸ்ட்ராபெர்ரி ஜாம் ready.


Store the jam in a glass bottle for one month in outside.
If you want to keep the jam more than a month, keep it in refrigerator.


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One Reply to “Strawberry Jam”

Let me know the outcome of the recipe!