Rajapalayam Mixer

ராஜபாளையம் மிக்சர் (Rajapalayam Mixer)

Rajapalayam mixer is a mixed variety of different spicy snacks. Here I’m sharing a basic version of mixer, that is very famous in south Tamilnadu. There are different varieties based on the combination of the mixer. This is one of the best evening snack which can be served along with tea.

Ingredients for Rajapalayam mixer

Omapodi – 3 cups
Karaboondi – 2 cups
Karakadalai – 1 cup
Curry leaves – 1/4 cup (fried)
Chilli powder – 1.5 tsp
Oil – 1.5 tsp
Salt as needed


Place a big pan on stove in low flame.
Pour half tsp oil then add half tsp chilli powder and salt.
Mix the oil and chilli powder well then switch of the flame.
Now, add omapodi to the spice mix and mix well. This gives a good coat of spices to omapodi.
In the same way, give spice coat to the kara boondi, curry leaves and kara kadalai.
Now combine all spiced omapodi, kara boondi, kara kadalai and give a gentle mix.
Rajapalayam Mixer ready.


I added chilly to each ingredients separately before mixing all together. You can add chilly all at once also.
Here is the links:
Omapodi: https://nishrecipes.com/Omapodi/
Kaara Kadalai: https://nishrecipes.com/Kaara-Kadalai/
Kaara Boondi: https://nishrecipes.com/Kara-Boondi/


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